
Should I Change The Amount Of Coins Played In A Slot Machine

Guide to Winning at Slots: The Best Number of Coins to Play

17 Jan 2000

Every casino guide to gaming recommends playing maximum coins on all slot machines. And almost everyone who's written a volume nearly slots also recommends playing maximum coins when playing a slot motorcar. I analyzed over 1,000 slot automobile programs and I discovered that at that place are times when playing maximum coins is advantageous to the slot player and times when the player is better off playing simply coin at a time. In this serial of tips, I'll reveal the best number of coins to play per spin on the different types of slot machines.

Note: Yous can hear me give my slot and video poker tips live on The Good Times Show, hosted by Rudi Schiffer with Frank Scoblete, which is broadcast alive from Memphis on WHBQ over the air on 560AM and over the Internet on Yahoo! Circulate on Saturday morning from eight-10 CT.

This Week's Tip


Dominion: Play one coin each on equally many lines every bit yous like.
Reason: Play ane coin on each line if having winning combinations country on paylines you didn't actuate bothers you, otherwise play one coin. If there's a Subconscious Buy-A-Pay, play enough coins to activate it.

This calendar week we look at the new Australian-style, Multicoin/Multiline machines. These are the only kind of slot machines you notice in Australia and they're getting more than and more pop in the United States every day.

Australian-manner slot machines give you betting flexibility y'all never had before. Not only tin you choose how many lines to play, at present you lot can likewise cull to play more than one money per line. We have to decide how many lines to play and how many coins to play per line.

Australian-style slots have the most complicated paytables of any slot auto. Take the time to written report the paytable. Await to see if there's a payout, similar a scatter pay, that'south available only when you play all lines. Also look to come across what happens when you play more than than coin per line. Is there a combination or bonus event that is activated only when you bet maximum coins on a line?

Even though the paytables look very complicated, they almost ever are Straight Multipliers. Winning combinations and bonus events are multiplied by the number of coins bet on the line. In that location's no advantage to playing more than than one money per line.

And so much for the Multicoin aspect of the automobile. How virtually the Multiline aspect? Just as with a conventional Multiline machine, y'all can play more than than i line if landing winning combinations on paylines you didn't activate bothers you lot. If not, play ane coin on 1 line. I play one coin on each line.

Every Multicoin/Multiline paytable I've seen has been a Straight Multiplier, but that doesn't mean at that place volition never be i with Buy-A-Pay characteristic. If yous do find one with a Buy-A-Pay feature, make certain you play enough coins to activate the feature.

Prior Weeks' Tips


Rule: Always play maximum coins.
Reason: If yous play don't play maximum coins, you're just increasing the jackpot for someone else with no run a risk of winning it yourself.

You can recognize progressive machines by the LED displays advertizing the e'er-increasing jackpots, some life changing, that yous can win past playing the car.

There are three types of progressives, but they all share ane thing on mutual: A small pct of each wager on a progressive machine is used to increase the amount of the jackpot. The types of progressives differ in the number of machines linked to an individual jackpot.

First, in that location'due south the Standalone Progressive. Equally its name implies, this machine has its ain jackpot amount. When you play a Standalone Progressive, its jackpot is the only i to increase as a result of the action.

The second type of progressive is the Linked Progressive. A number of machines are linked together in this blazon of progressive and the machines all share the aforementioned jackpot. The jackpot increases on all of the machines in the link whenever anyone plays any of the machines in the link. The machines in the link are usually all in ane carousel, although sometimes the machines are spread throughout a casino. And sometimes machines at more one casino owned by the same company will exist role of the progressive network.

The 3rd type of progressive is the Wide Expanse Progressive. In this type of progressive, machines throughout an entire jurisdiction are office of the network of linked machines. Machines that pay the life-changing, lottery-sized jackpots are ever Broad Area Progressives. Just not all Wide Surface area Progressives pay huge jackpots. IGT and Bally'due south are both exploring Broad Are Progressive systems that pay lower jackpots more ofttimes.

The best number of coins to play is the same regardless of which type of progressive you are playing. Yous have to play maximum coins on a progressive machine to exist able to win the progressive jackpot. If you don't play maximum coins, you lot're just building the jackpot for someone else with no chance to win information technology yourself. In addition, how would you feel if the three Megabucks symbols landed on the payline and y'all played only 1 money, so you won $x,000 instead of $x,000,000? E'er play maximum coins when playing a progressive.

Straight Multipliers

Rule: E'er play i coin at a time.
Reason: The payback and hit frequency are the same regardless of the number of coins you play.

Multipliers are machines in which the first coin you lot play activates all of the winning combinations on the machine and additional coins multiply the amounts you tin win. A Directly Multiplier is a particular kind of Multiplier. On a Direct Multiplier, the amounts you can for each combination when playing two coins at a time are exactly twice the amounts you tin can win when playing one coin at a time. And the amounts you can win when playing three coins at a time are exactly three times the one-coin amounts.

Playing more than coin at a time on a Straight Multiplier doesn't buy you annihilation. You lot don't activate whatever new winning combinations, so you lot don't purchase increased hit frequency. The payouts are straight multiples of the one-money payouts, and then you aren't buying increased long-term payback. Y'all're increasing the amount you have at risk on each spin and y'all're not getting any do good from it. Always play simply one coin at a time on a Direct Multiplier.

Bonus Multipliers

Rule: Always play one coin at a time.
Reason: The chances of striking a payout with a bonus are and so modest, it'south not worth the extra gamble.

Bonus Multipliers are Multipliers with a twist. They pay you a bonus for some combinations when you play maximum coins. The bonus is normally paid on the superlative jackpot merely, but some machines pay a bonus on the 2d jackpot, as well. I fifty-fifty institute a Wild Cerise paytable that paid the bonus on the 2d jackpot only.

Ask yourself this question: How frequently practice you striking a combination that pays y'all a bonus? Not too often, right? The Bonus Multiplier acts like a Direct Multiplier on the overwhelming majority of the spins you lot play on the machine. Treat information technology like a Straight Multiplier and play one coin at a time.

Some people argue that you're playing at a lower long-term payback when you play only i coin at a time on a Bonus Multiplier. That statement is true. But, again, how times do you hit the top jackpot? In addition, a 100-money bonus similar on a iii-coin Double Diamond that pays 800/1600/2500 for the top jackpot increases the long-term payback by very little. Fifty-fifty large bonuses increase the long-term payback by very petty. A typical RWB machine that pays 2400/4800/10000 for the meridian jackpot pays back 91.7% when playing i coin at a time and 92.5 when playing three coins at a fourth dimension. It'due south not worth tripling your risk per spin to decrease the firm border from 8.3% to vii.v%.


Rule: Play maximum coins.
Reason: The increase in payback and hitting frequency purchased past the boosted coins tin plough a terrible machine into a good i.

Buy-A-Pays are machines on which each additional coin played activates additional winning combinations. On a ii-coin Ruddy Hot 7s machine, for example, the showtime coin activates the bar combinations and the second coin activates the combinations with the sevens. If y'all play simply coin and iii sevens land on the payline, yous don't win anything.

Purchase-A-Pays can have very high striking frequencies. Different a Multiplier, a Buy-A-Pay can pay less than a push. Suppose you had to bet two coins to activate combinations with crimson symbols, and one red on the payline paid i coin. Y'all win less than y'all bet when y'all land i blood-red on the payline.

Because each coin activates a completely unlike set of winning symbols, the game designers take a bully deal of flexibility in setting the hit frequency and payback of each coin--much more flexibility than they accept on whatever other game type. Each coin played is similar a completely different machine.

I analyzed one Buy-A-Pay auto in which the starting time coin played had a terrible payback of 83%. But the 2nd money paid back well over 100%. If only we could play the second coin without playing the offset! But we can't. Nosotros have to play the first coin, on which the casino has the edge, to be able to play the 2nd, on which we take the edge.

Boosted coins played on a Buy-A-Pay purchase increased hitting frequency and payback. The auto may have a very depression payback at one coin and a very loftier payback at maximum coins. Ane or more than of the additional coins may fifty-fifty pay back more than 100%. Always play maximum coins on a Buy-A-Pay.


Rule: Play simply plenty coins to activate all winning combinations.
Reason: Extra coins are rarely worth playing in a multiplier, and hybrids are multipliers when you're in the multiplying department of the paytable.

Hybrids are the mongrels of slot machines. Role Buy-A-Pay, part Multiplier. Does the Purchase-A-Pay aspect of the paytable overpower the Multiplier aspect and make it worthwhile playing extra coins?

Hybrid is a name that I employ to describe these machines. There is no official manufacture name for them. Bally'southward describes Blazing 7s, the most famous Hybrid game, equally a "2 coin option buy pay - tertiary money multiplier." I'll stick with Hybrid.

The Purchase-A-Pay part of the paytable acts like a pure Buy-A-Pay paytable, and the Multiplier function of the paytable acts like a pure Multiplier paytable--and the aforementioned rules apply. Information technology's worthwhile activating all of the possible winning combinations, but it's not worthwhile multiplying their values.

On a Blazing 7s, your pick is between playing two coins and playing three coins. The first coin buys the bar combinations, the second the sevens combinations, and the third multiplies the sevens combinations. We follow the rule for Buy-A-Pays and play ii coins to activate all the winning combinations, and and so we follow the rule for Multipliers and we don't play the 3rd coin.

On some Hybrids, the starting time two coin will exist a Multiplier and the third a Buy-A-Pay. Play three coins on this machine in order to activate all the winning combinations.

Hidden Buy-A-Pays

Dominion: Play maximum coins.
Reason: The characteristic activated past playing the terminal coin ofttimes makes the last coin pay back over 100%.

Some machines have bonus events that are activated but when you play maximum coins. You lot tin spin the bicycle on Wheel of Gold, for example, simply when you play full money. Another example is Banana-Rama. Y'all can get to the bonus screen but when y'all play full money.

I phone call these wolves in sheep's clothing Hidden Buy-A-Pays. The paytable on these machines appears to be a Multiplier or Multiline, but there's a characteristic that's activated only when you play maximum coins. This feature is usually a bonus event like spinning a wheel or a bonus screen, simply it could be practically annihilation. Read the paytable advisedly to meet if at that place's some characteristic of the machine that is activated simply when you play full coin.

Only similar on a pure Buy-A-Pay, this feature could make the last coin pay back more than 100%. The increase in payback when playing full coin versus one money may make playing full coin the better bet.

The rule is to play enough maximum coins on these machines to activate all the features of the motorcar.


Rule: Play one money or maximum coins.
Reason: Play maximum coins if having winning combinations land on paylines you didn't activate bothers yous, otherwise play one money.

This week we'll await at the conventional Multiline machines on which you tin can bet a maximum of one money at a time on each line. We'll look at the new Australian-mode, Multicoin/Multiline machines next week.

Multiline machines act very much like Multipliers. The chances of landing a winning combination is the aforementioned on each line. Therefore, only like on a Multiplier, even big bonuses for the top jackpot make small increases in the long-term payback. It is rarely worthwhile, mathematically speaking, to play total coin on a Multiline machine.

Emotionally speaking is some other matter. It bothers me when winning combinations land on paylines that I didn't activate. I was playing a three-line Multiline machine at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas once. I had the program for the automobile, and then I knew that playing one money was the best play, mathematically. It seemed similar a winning combination landed on the upper or lower payline every other spin. I switched to playing full coin.

Multilines are non like Multipliers in one very of import respect. Extra coins played on a Multiplier buy only increased payback, while extra coins played on a Multiline buy increased hitting frequency, too. The increased hit frequency takes away some of the sting of the increased adventure when playing the extra coins.

Note: I've assumed that the Multiline automobile pays a bonus for playing full coin. The rule is the aforementioned even if there is no bonus. The only difference is that the extra coins buy just increased hit frequency; they exercise not buy an increase in payback.

The following tabular array repeats all of the tips without the accompanying text to make information technology easier for you lot to have them to the casino with you lot.

The Slot Adept'south Guide to Winning at Slots
The All-time Number of Coins to Play
Type of Machine Rules and Reasons
Progressives Play maximum coins.
If you play don't play maximum coins, you're only increasing the jackpot for someone else with no chance of winning it yourself.
Straight Multipliers Play ane money at a time.
The payback and hit frequency are the aforementioned regardless of the number of coins you play.
Bonus Multipliers Play 1 coin at a time.
The chances of hitting a payout with a bonus are so pocket-size, information technology's non worth the actress risk.
Purchase-A-Pays Play maximum coins.
The increase in payback and hit frequency purchased by the additional coins tin can plough a terrible automobile into a good i.
Hybrids Play just plenty coins to activate all winning combinations.
Extra coins are rarely worth playing in a multiplier, and hybrids are multipliers when you're in the multiplying section of the paytable.
Hidden Buy-A-Pays Play maximum coins.
The feature activated by playing the concluding money frequently makes the concluding coin pay back over 100%.
Multilines Play i coin or maximum coins.
Play maximum coins if having winning combinations land on paylines y'all didn't activate bothers you, otherwise play one money.
Multicoin/Multilines Play 1 coin each on as many lines as yous similar.
Play one coin on each line if having winning combinations land on paylines y'all didn't actuate bothers you, otherwise play i coin. If there's a Subconscious Buy-A-Pay, play enough coins to activate it.

Ship your slot and video poker questions to John Robison, Slot Expert, at

For more information about slots and video poker, we recommend:

Break the One-Armed Bandits! by Frank Scoblete
Victory at Video Poker and Video Craps, Keno and Blackjack! by Frank Scoblete
Slot Conquest Sound Cassette Record (hour) with Frank Scoblete
Winning Strategies at Slots & Video Poker! Video tape hosted by Academy Honor Winner James Coburn, Written by Frank Scoblete
The Slot Automobile Answer Book past John Grochowski

John Robison is an expert on slot machines and how to play them. John is a slot and video poker columnist and has written for many of gaming's leading publications. He holds a master's degree in computer science from the prestigious Stevens Constitute of Technology.

You may hear John requite his slot and video poker tips live on The Good Times Show, hosted by Rudi Schiffer and Mike Schiffer, which is circulate from Memphis on KXIQ 1180AM Friday afternoon from from 2PM to 5PM Key Time. John is on the testify from 4:30 to 5. You can listen to archives of the show on the spider web someday.

Books by John Robison:

The Slot Expert'southward Guide to Playing Slots


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